Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Yarn Along:

We're reading Ross Poldark every night together and I'm thoroughly enjoying Far from the Madding Crowd on my own.  In Poldark, Elizabeth sat spinning in one particularly tense scene and broke her thread.  Peter joked that it was enough to make me Team Elizabeth.  Not quite, but I did sympathize.
First up--Lucy's sweater.  My buttons arrived and turned out a smidgen too big for the buttonholes.  Since they were such a perfect match otherwise, I decided to make it work.  I just sewed them on top of the overlapped button bands, effectively turning the cardigan into a pullover.  Her pickled beets cardigan usually remains buttoned and gets yanked on this way, so I knew it would all work out.  Eventually I might get some backing buttons and do it properly but for now the sweater is getting a surprising amount of wear for the middle of August.
I'm past the lace at the bottom of the baptismal gown, and have about four more inches to go on the skirt, which is easy autopilot knitting.  It would be a breeze if not for this completely consuming, addictive sock I started out of the Arne & Carlos Regia in Fall Night colorway.  I work on it wherever white yarn would not fair so well, which, when you have kids, is pretty much everywhere.  But I'm trying to be disciplined and devote some time every day to what is bound to be a gorgeous heirloom in the end.
Meanwhile, I just saw on Instagram that a second line of this sock yarn, with 6 new color ways is in the works and should reach the US in limited supply by the end of the month.  Sounds like the perfect carrot.


  1. I have yet to find any of that sock yarn...and I'm drooling over it!! Everything here is moving along so nicely...and your solution for the big buttons was perfect....they really are a great match!

  2. Love the cardigan and a great solution for the buttons. The sock yarn is a real delight, love the colours.

  3. All three projects are gorgeous. I love Lucy's sweater and think the buttons sewn together is a great idea.

  4. Oh that sock yarn! I must find out more!

  5. Those buttons ARE. Perfect! Too cute!

  6. I agree - you had to make those buttons work. They were so perfect! I love those socks. It makes me a bit anxious for Autumn (although I'm not ready to be done with Summer just yet).

  7. yep; super cute knitting; that sock is lovely! the gown is going to be gorgeous and that sweater with those buttons are perfect!!!

  8. Your sweater is the perfect color so bright and fun!!! The sock yarn is yummy!

  9. mm such lovely projects!

  10. mm such lovely projects!
