Monday, May 23, 2011

Home is wherever I'm with you...

It's been awhile since I found a song that expresses exactly what I'm feeling.  I discovered this one today, when I was missing Pete acutely and dreading the coming two weeks without him.

I'd explain how it makes me feel to only be with my brand-new husband on weekends, but I simply can't sort it out.  At least Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros can do it for me.

I am trying to remember that the strings of days full of bitter homesickness and the endless bus rides and train rides and car rides are drawing to a close.  And though I love him for making a leaky blow-up mattress feel like home, I'm so relieved he won't have to do it for much longer.

Home, let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you
Oh, home, yes, I am home
Home is when I'm alone with you


bopyoke said...

That is a great song!

Madeleine said...

Love this song.